Friday, June 26, 2009

Twins - Double Treasure, Double Love

Wow! You are having Twins! I can only imagine your surprise when you were told you were expecting twins. While your mind reeled for a while on the impact this would bring to your life, you grappled with practicalities such as space, time and of course, money. I did not have twins, but they run in my family. In fact, I have one cousin with triplets and another with two sets of twins. All of these pregnancies occurred sans fertility drugs. I think with fertility drugs you accept this could be a possibility, but au natural! Yikes! Can you ever really be prepared?

I have sold baby furniture to couples who are having twins and they tell me after the shock wears off they get down to the business at hand and begin planning their course of action. Hopefully, you have a spare bedroom, if not, hopefully, you can afford to move. But, whether space is plentiful or at at a premium, the most important thing to consider is the crib.

You don't necessarily needto have two cribs right away, it is nice if you can, but not a crisis if you can't afford two at first. Some couples I have worked with buy just one crib to start as the babies are so small and are used to being together. Then as the babies grow they buy a second crib. Other couples have purchased two cribs right away. Either way is good, it just according to what you want and what you can afford. However, my advice to you is to purchase a lifetime crib that will convert to a toddler bed and then to a full bed as your children grow. Make one investment at the beginning and have a bed for years.

Another item to consider is a dresser, dressing bureau or chest of drawers. A dressing bureau will usually have six drawers and you may purchases an optional dressing kit which fits on the top of the dressing bureau as is a secured changing area for baby. This would eliminate the need for buying a separate changing table (unless you really want one), and can then be removed when your babies no longer need this type of amenity. Of course, you may also want a dressing bureau and a chest of drawers to provide ample storage area for children's' clothing. Again, no need to buy two of these items, one will do nicely.

If you find yourself being blessed with twins (or more) and are looking to furnish your babies' room with investment quality baby furniture, come over to Baby's Own Room where we feature the elegant quality of Child Craft Cribs and Dressing Bureaus. Child Craft has been providing families with quality, safety tested and affordable cribs for over 50 years.

So, we will see you there and Congratulations!

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