Friday, August 15, 2008

Getting Started on Baby's Own Room

Hello, and Welcome to Baby's Own Room blog and link page. Here, you will find helpful information and products to assist you in setting up your precious little one's first room. Doesn't it seem from the moment the world finds out a wee one will be moving into your home that everyone has advice or something to sell you? You are bombarded with mail offers, catalogs, magazines, books, e-mails, and spam. You name it, you receive it in some form or fashion. If you are not a first time parent, you have figured out how to weed through it all and get what you need and/or want. But, if you are a first time parent you may be confounded by all that is presented to you.

Here, we will attempt to clear away some of the confusion and offer just plain tried and true facts on what you need and don't need to set up a space for your baby. Every parent wants to give their baby the very best they possibly can afford. But, there is a very natural tendency to overspend your budget and buy more than you or your baby truly need. Remember, your baby is small and his needs are basic. He or she needs, of course, feeding and diapering, but most of all your baby needs constant love and care from you. That said, what are some of the basics you should consider.

1. Space Available - do you have a room to dedicate to a nursery, or will your baby be sharing a room with you. This will certainly dictate how much furniture you buy. If sharing a room, you may want to buy only a crib and dressing table. Look for a dressing table with drawers to double as both a dresser and changing table. If you have a room to function as a nursery, you, of course, have more space and therefore, more options.

2. Budget - This is perhaps your most important item. Whether you have a large or small space to outfit for baby, set a budget within your means. It is all well and good to count on shower gifts and gifts after the baby is born, but for setting up your nursery, I say again, set a budget within your means.

3. Furniture - look for quality, well made, durable baby furniture. There are so many options available to you do not buy the first thing you see. Shop, shop, and shop some more. Look in your local stores, the big box stores such as Wal-Mart and K-Mart and other department stores, discount or otherwise. Visit local baby furniture specialty stores if there are any in your area. And, don't forget to surf the internet, there are many, many baby stores online, mine included. Look at what some of your friends might have, and research the safety features of the furniture items you see. Whatever choice you make, buy the best furniture available in the budget that you have set and you will not have any regrets. Buying quality baby furniture means it will be there for your first and your last baby.

In coming articles, we will talk about various furniture items you may need or want to purchase for your baby's room. For now, whether you are beginning or ending your search for baby furniture, I invite you to stop in see us at Baby's Own Room.

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